Closing the Gap in Business Education: A Case Study from Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU)

09/20/2024 @ 11AM ET   |    Duration: 1 Hour   |   Hosted By: The Peregrine Team

Southwestern Oklahoma State University (SWOSU) employs Peregrine’s Academic Leveling Modules as a method for preparing incoming graduate students and meeting ACBSP Standard 6. ACBSP emphasizes providing students with a solid foundation of the essential concepts and principles necessary for business education and industry. These foundational elements, called Common Professional Components (CPC), offer a structured framework that ensures continuity across the discipline. As part of ACBSP’s curriculum requirement, schools must ensure incoming graduate students receive adequate preparation for their degree program. However, this can be difficult for some schools to achieve.

This webinar explores the strategic alignment of Peregrine’s Academic Leveling Modules with ACBSP’s accreditation standards, demonstrating a cost-effective and proven strategy for closing the gap in business education. Jonna Myers, recipient of the 2023 ACBSP Teaching Excellence Award, will share SWOSU’s experiences with Academic Leveling, including the implementation, integration, and impact on student outcomes.