Deep Dive into Peregrine’s Academic Leveling Modules

03/06/2025 @ 11AM ET   |    Duration: 1 Hour   |   Hosted By: The Peregrine Team

Non-business majors make up a large percentage of the students who seek out a business graduate degree after completing their undergrad. These students often face challenges due to gaps in foundational business knowledge, which can impact their confidence, academic performance, and overall success.

Academic Leveling Modules provide a proven solution to bridge this gap. With short, modular online content covering core undergraduate business subjects, these modules offer an efficient and cost-effective alternative to traditional prerequisite courses. In this webinar, we’ll explore how institutions worldwide have successfully integrated Academic Leveling into their programs. Topics will include:

  • How these modules work and the core subjects they cover.
  • The various integration approaches and strategies.
  • Real-world examples of how these modules have impacted student preparedness and program outcomes.

Register today and learn more about Academic Leveling.