Help Students Avoid Plagiarism and Write Well

The Peregrine Team  |  02|01|2023

Academic writing is a skill, not a talent someone is born with. Our conversations with faculty over the years have shown that most students lack formal instruction on academic...

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Improving Learner Outcomes with Academic Leveling

The Peregrine Team  |  08|03|2022

By design, academic leveling, a prerequisite option for graduate business programs, helps non-majors fill knowledge gaps before graduate school. A new study shows it also benefits former business undergrads....

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Transforming Criminal Justice Education

The Peregrine Team  |  03|23|2022

As the field of criminal justice continues to shift in reaction to the changing climate within the United States, higher education programs training our criminal justice programs must be...

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How to Make Assurance of Learning Systemic

The Peregrine Team  |  02|22|2022

Simply put, AoL is the process for continuous improvement of academic programs and higher education institutions. The goal is to create, design, deliver, and improve program curricula to achieve...

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