Knowledge-Based Assessment Solutions » EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment
EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment
Soft skills, or workplace skills, are vital personal qualities that help individuals achieve success in work and life. Yet, both employers and higher education institutions struggle to objectively measure these qualities to understand how we can better develop them.
EvaluSkills provides higher education institutions, employers, and individuals with a flexible and customizable assessment that objectively measures these critical skills. EvaluSkills is a 360-degree evaluation process that utilizes the perspectives of peers, supervisors, advisors, mentors, and colleagues. The evaluation process allows you to understand areas of strength and opportunities for improvement to develop an action plan for continued personal growth.
Employers use EvaluSkills to inform their training and development programs and to conduct effective performance management. Higher Education Institutions use EvaluSkills to satisfy accreditation requirements by effectively demonstrating progress on intended learning outcomes, develop students into career-ready graduates, and conduct continuous program improvement efforts.
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Success Starts with Soft Skills
EvaluSkills provides employers, higher education professionals, and individuals with an essential measurement of soft skill proficiency. It is with this information, that you can objectively understand strengths and areas for improvement. Look below to see what sets a EvaluSkills: Workplace Skills Assessment apart.
Each assessment item (soft skill) corresponds to a close-ended, 5-point Likert scale rubric. The rubrics concentrate on the exhibited behavior of the participant rather than personal characteristics.
Easy to Use Interface
The assessment process is 100% online. Peregrine provides you with an easy to use the administrative website to create and manage various instruments, track the progress of evaluations, and generate reports.
Measure Change and Growth
Have learners and employees complete the assessment more than once over a period of time to track development over time. Utilize the comparison to see where improvements have been made and what additional resources, learning, or training are required to mitigate weaknesses.
Take Action
Once the evaluations are complete, participants (the person evaluated) will receive an action plan as part of their participant report. The action plan makes their results actionable by highlighting strengths to sustain, weaknesses to improve, and establishing a timeline and person to hold them accountable.