Your Questions Answered
Program Assessment Exam FAQ
Academic Leveling Module FAQ
Write & Cite: Academic Writing Readiness Module and Exam FAQ
Program Assessment Exam FAQ
Why am I taking this assessment exam?
Your school requires students to take comprehensive assessment to assess your learning and to evaluate the program learning outcomes associated with the program of study. The purpose of this assessment is to allow school officials the ability to assess the quality of the academic programs, so the school can improve its programs and provide the best possible educational experience for all students. The assessment helps ensure the school maintains the highest quality of education.
How should I prepare for the assessment exam?
There is no need to prepare for the exam. The comprehensive exam covers topics taught throughout the degree program, which are aligned to the topics required for accreditation. If you are taking this exam early in your program (the inbound exam), there is no need to prepare. The inbound exam simply assesses the baseline data the school needs for its analysis. If you are taking the exam at the end of your program (the outbound exam), the preparation for the exam comes from your educational experience through the required courses for your degree.
Does this assessment exam affect my final grade?
Refer to your course syllabus or course instructor for information on how the exam will be graded.
What do I need to access the assessment exam?
You will need a computer with internet access. To avoid interruption and technical difficulties, it is best to have a strong internet connection while using our solutions. Our solutions will work with all major internet browser's; however, we find Edge and Chrome work best. No other plug-ins are required.
How do I register for the assessment exam?
Follow the instructions from your course instructor or the information provided in your course syllabus.
How do I start the assessment exam once I am registered for it?
At the conclusion of the self-registration process, a hyperlinked exam name will be displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your web browser will open to the exam screen.
If you do not begin the exam at the end of the self-registration process, you can access the exam by using the email sent to you upon completion of the self- registration process. This email contains a hyperlinked exam name to take you to the exam page and can be used to re-access the exam if needed.
I know I am registered, but I never received the email.
Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the email from Peregrine Global Services (Receipt@PeregrineAcademic.com) DO NOT REPLY to this email.
You can request the email be re-sent to you by visiting our Access Link Retrieval Page. If you still do not see the email, please submit a support ticket to Peregrine Global Services and we will send you the access link manually.
I have the email, but how do I access the assessment exam site?
Click on the blue, underlined hyperlink content with the title of the exam you were directed to take. The hyperlink directs your web browser to the appropriate site and auto-fills the registration information.
How much time do I have to take the assessment exam?
You are allowed 48 hours to complete the exam once the exam has been started. You have 3 accesses to complete the exam and two 15-minute breaks available during the exam.
Due to extenuating circumstances, I was unable to complete the assessment exam within 48 hours, or with 3 access attempts.
Please submit a support ticket if you need the exam unlocked due to extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties.
What if I need to take a break during the assessment exam?
The exam allows for two, 15-minute breaks. Click the option “Record Answer & Take a Break.” This will provide you with a timed break. Your assessment exam will resume automatically after 15 minutes.
What if I need to leave the assessment exam?
If you need to leave the exam for an extended length of time, you may click the option “Record Answer & Exit Exam.” This feature is intended to be used for extenuating circumstances and should not be used to "take a break" from the exam. You will only be able to utilize this feature two times. You must complete the exam within 48 hours of starting it.
How long will I need to take the assessment exam?
The exam should take between 60-90 minutes. This will vary depending on the student and the number of exam topics and questions.
How much time is allowed to answer each question during the assessment exam?
You are generally allowed 3 minutes to answer each question, some universities customize this to allow more or less. You will see the time remaining on the screen for each question during the exam.
Can I “back track” during the assessment exam?
No, you may not “back track” or go back to a previous question to answer or change your answer. All questions must be answered in the order and the allotted time given. Unanswered questions will be graded as zero points.
Will I see my score at the end of the assessment exam?
After completing the exam, you will be asked to view and save your completion certificate. This certificate will generate in PDF format and may show the score you received on the exam. The school can choose not to show the score on the completion certificate.
How do I print or save my completion certificate?
After completing the exam, you will be asked to view and save your certificate. A link to download the completion certificate will also be automatically emailed to you. If you have forgotten to save your completion certificate, you may retrieve it by visiting our completion certificate retrieval page.
How should I submit the certificate to my instructor?
Please refer to your course instructor or syllabus to determine how the completion certificate should be submitted.
How should I submit the certificate to my instructor?
Please refer to your course instructor or syllabus to determine how the completion certificate should be submitted.
If I still have questions, whom do I contact?
For course and assessment exam content/requirement related questions, please contact your course instructor. Peregrine Global Services does not control how assessment exams are graded or otherwise used by the institution. For technical questions or issues regarding the exam site, please visit our technical support page.
Academic Leveling Module FAQ
Why am I taking these Academic Leveling Modules?
The purpose of the academic leveling modules is to help develop your foundational business knowledge so that you will be more successful with your degree program.
How should I prepare for the Academic Leveling Module exams?
The Academic Leveling Modules are self-contained. No other resources or materials are necessary to complete the Academic Leveling Modules. You do not need to prepare for the pre-tests because they are meant to show you your baseline knowledge level and to help you focus your subsequent learning for weaker areas. Your completion of the module will prepare you for the post-test.
Does this affect my final grade?
Refer to your course syllabus or course instructor for information on how the module will be graded.
What do I need to access the Academic Leveling Modules?
You will need a computer with Internet access. To avoid interruption and technical difficulties, it is best to have a strong internet connection while using our services. Our services will work with all major internet browsers; however, we find Edge and Chrome work best. No other plug-ins are required.
How do I register for the Academic Leveling Modules?
Please follow the instructions from your course professor or the information provided in your course syllabus.
How do I start the Academic Leveling Modules once I am registered?
At the conclusion of the self-registration process, a hyperlinked module name will be displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your web browser will open to the modules.
If you do not begin the Academic Leveling Modules at the end of the self-registration process, you can access the module(s) by using the e-mail sent to you upon completion of the self-registration process. This e-mail contains a hyperlinked module name to take you to the Academic Leveling Module(s).
I know I am registered, but I never received the email.
Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the email from Peregrine Global Services (Receipt@PeregrineAcademics.com). DO NOT REPLY to this email.
You can request the email re-sent to you by visiting our Access Link Retrieval Page. If you still do not see the email, please submit a support ticket to Peregrine Global Services and we will send you the access link manually.
I have the email, but how do I access the Academic Leveling Module?
Click on the blue, underlined hyperlink content included with the title of the module you are enrolled in. The hyperlink directs your web browser to the appropriate site and auto-fills the registration information.
Why am I allowed to take the post-test twice?
The purpose of the post-test is to assess your knowledge and verify your understanding of the topic’s concepts. However, the purpose of the module is for your educational benefit. Therefore, you are allowed to take the post-test twice, if needed.
If after taking the post-test the first time and you are not satisfied with your score, you may go back to review those sections in the module where you missed questions. You may then take the post-test a second time. It is important to note that if you choose to take the post-test a second time, you agree to forfeit your first score and the score of the second post-test is recorded for the module.
Can I submit my first post-test score if my second post-test score is lower than the first?
If you choose to take the post-test a second time, you agree to forfeit your first score and the score of the second post-test is recorded for the module. The first score is purged from the system.
Are the questions the same between the pre-tests and the post-tests?
No, every pre-test and post-test is unique, representing a random selection of questions from a large database.
How much time is allowed to answer each question during the pre-test and post-test?
You are generally allowed 3 minutes to answer each question, some universities customize this to allow more or less. You will see the time remaining on the screen for each question during the exam.
Am I allowed to take breaks during the Academic Leveling Modules?
You are allowed to take breaks during the learning modules as often as you would like. However, during the pre-test and post-test no breaks are offered.
How many times can I access the pre-test or post-test?
You will be able to access both the pre and post-test three times each. If you do not complete the pre-test or post-test within the three accesses allowed, a completion certificate will be generated assigning zero points to unanswered questions.
What if I need to leave the learning module?
You may leave and return to the learning modules at your discretion.
Is there a time limit in which I must complete the pre-test and post-tests?
You are given 3 access attempts and 48 hours from the time you begin each exam to complete it. Please be sure to check your course syllabus for any deadlines your instructor may impose.
Due to extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties, I was unable to complete the pre-test or post-test within the three access attempts.
Please submit a support ticket if you need the pre-test or post-test reset due to extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties.
How many questions are on the pre-test and post-test?
There are 20 questions in each pre-test and post-test.
How long will I need to complete a learning module?
The number of learner hours is stated in the introduction of each module. Read the introduction to the module to plan your time to complete the learning modules.
Can I “back track” during the pre-test or post-test?
No, you may not “back track” or go back to a previous question to answer or change your answer. All questions must be answered in the order and the allotted time given. Unanswered questions will be graded as zero points.
Will I see my score at the end of the pre-test and post-test?
After completing the post-test, you will be asked to view and save your completion certificate. The certificate will show the score you received on both the pre-test and the post-test.
How do I print or save my completion certificate?
After completing the post-test, you will be asked to view and save your certificate. A link to download the exam completion certificate will also be automatically emailed to you at the end of the exam. If you have forgotten to save your completion certificate, you may retrieve it by visiting our completion certificate retrieval page.
How should I submit the certificate to my instructor?
Please refer to your course instructor or syllabus to determine how the completion certificate should be submitted.
How can I find out which modules, pre-tests, and post-tests I’ve completed?
A green check mark will indicate completion of modules, pre-tests, and post-tests.
Will I be able to return to the learning modules later on and use the instructional material?
Yes, the interactive instructional sections of the modules are available to the student for up to two years.
If I still have questions, whom do I contact?
For module and pre-test/post-test content/requirement related questions, please contact your course instructor. Peregrine Global Services does not control the pre-test and post-test scores are used by the institution. For technical questions or issues regarding the module site, please visit our technical support page.
Write & Cite: Academic Writing Readiness Module and Exam FAQ
Why am I taking this Academic Writing Readiness Module?
In academic settings, writing must resonate with specific audiences and adhere to structured formatting guidelines. The module will help you develop skills to navigate the nuances of academic writing, create consistent paper formats, and appropriately cite sources.
How should I prepare for the Academic Writing Readiness Exam?
You will prepare for the exam by completing the Academic Writing Readiness Module.
Does this affect my final grade?
Refer to your course syllabus or course instructor to see how the module/exam will be graded.
How do I register for the Academic Writing Readiness Module?
Follow the instructions from your course instructor or the information provided in your course syllabus.
What do I need to do to access the Academic Writing Readiness Module?
You will need a computer with internet access. To avoid interruption and technical difficulties, it is best to have a strong internet connection while using our solutions. Our solutions will work with all major internet browser's; however, we find Edge and Chrome work best. No other plug-ins are required.
How do I start the Academic Writing Readiness Module once I am registered?
At the conclusion of the self-registration process, a hyperlinked module name will be displayed. When you click the hyperlink, your web browser will open to the modules.
If you do not begin the Academic Writing Readiness Module at the end of the self-registration process, you can access the module by using the e-mail sent to you upon completion of the self-registration process. This e-mail contains a hyperlinked module name to take you to the Academic Writing Readiness Module and Exam.
I know I am registered, but I never received the email.
Please check your SPAM or JUNKMAIL folder for the email from Peregrine Global Services (Receipt@PeregrineAcademics.com). DO NOT REPLY to this email.
You can request the email re-sent to you by visiting our Access Link Retrieval Page. If you still do not see the email, please submit a support ticket to Peregrine Global Services and we will send you the access link manually.
I have the email, but how do I access the Academic Writing Readiness Module?
Click on the blue, underlined hyperlink content included with the title of the course you are enrolled in. The hyperlink directs your web browser to the appropriate site and auto-fills the registration information.
Why am I allowed to take the comprehensive exam twice?
The purpose of the post-test is to assess your knowledge and verify your understanding of the topic’s concepts. However, the purpose of the module is for your educational benefit. Therefore, you are allowed to take the post-test twice, if needed.
If after taking the post-test the first time and you are not satisfied with your score, you may go back to review those sections in the module where you missed questions. You may then take the post-test a second time.
Can I submit my first exam score if my second exam score is lower than the first?
Can I submit my first exam score if my second exam score is lower than the first?
What if I need to take a break during the exam?
If you need to step away for a moment, you may click the button “Record Answer & Take a Break.” This will provide you with a timed 15-minute break. Your exam will resume automatically after the 15 minutes is over.
What if I need to leave the Academic Writing Readiness Module and Exam?
You may leave and access the module at your discretion. However, please refer to the previous question in regard to leaving the exam.
How many times can I login for the exam?
You will be able to access both the pre and post-test three times each. If you do not complete the pre-test or post-test within the three accesses allowed, a completion certificate will be generated assigning zero points to unanswered questions.
Due to extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties, I was unable to complete the exam within the 3 login attempts.
Please submit a support ticket if you need the pre-test or post-test reset due to extenuating circumstances or technical difficulties.
How many questions are on the pre-test and post-test?
There are 50 questions in each pre-test and post-test.
How much time is allowed to answer each question during Exam?
You are generally allowed 3 minutes to answer each question, some universities customize this to allow more or less. You will see the time remaining on the screen for each question during the exam.
Can I “back track” during the exam?
No, you may not “back track” or go back to a previous question to answer or change your answer. All questions must be answered in the order and the allotted time given. Unanswered questions will be graded as zero points.
Will I see my score at the end of the pre-test and post-test?
After completing the post-test, you will be asked to view and save your completion certificate. The certificate will show the score you received on both the pre-test and the post-test.
How do I print or save my completion certificate?
After completing the post-test, you will be asked to view and save your certificate. A link to download the exam completion certificate will also be automatically emailed to you at the end of the exam. If you have forgotten to save your completion certificate, you may retrieve it by visiting our completion certificate retrieval page.
How should I submit the certificate to my instructor?
Please refer to your course instructor or syllabus to determine how the completion certificate should be submitted.
How can I find out which sections I have completed?
A green check mark will indicate completion of sections you have completed.
If I still have questions, whom do I contact?
For module and pre-test/post-test content/requirement related questions, please contact your course instructor. Peregrine Global Services does not control the pre-test and post-test scores are used by the institution. For technical questions or issues regarding the module site, please visit our technical support page.